The 2022 Australian federal election revealed a worrying trend of votes to the Left side of politics. What is behind this surge? Or perhaps the question should be, who is behind this surge?
If you have seen the brilliant documentary by Ben Stein “Expelled“, you would remember Ben’s interview with Richard Dawkins in which he candidly asked Dawkins what he would do if he met God after he died, to which Dawkins replied: “Bertrand Russell had that point put to him and he said something like, ‘Sir, why […]
Considering the period covered from Ignatius to Augustine is only the first four hundred years of Church History, I believe it is still sufficient in helping us to understand current attitudes that the Jews hold toward Christians and vice versa. Sadly, as much as I would like to say that the church was light in […]
There are two definitions to be grasped at the outset of this essay. “Zionism” and “Christian Zionism”. Zionism is simply the belief that the Jewish people have been given the land of Israel by covenant promise to God and have a current right to occupy that land. Christian Zionists are Christians who agree with this […]
Towards the end of his life, Martin Luther espoused vehement views towards the Jews in his writing and sermons. His most famous of anti-Semitic written works was On The Jews and Their Lies (1543), where Luther refers to the Jews as, “an incorrigible whore and an evil slut”,[1] “the multitude of the whoring and murderous […]
Is religion really the greatest cause of all wars and atrocities? Which worldview is responsible for the most suffering wrought upon mankind? Most atheists attribute religion as being the most detrimental obstacle to world peace, but is this really the case? What about the secular/humanist worldview? Has belief in evolution played any role in human […]